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Healing with the Herbs of Life

by Lesley Tierra, published by Crossing Press (2003-03)

Buy now from Amazon.com for $24.95
Amazon rating of 5.0 out of 5, Amazon sales rank: 213511

Editor's Review:

This completely revised and updated book takes a complex subject and makes it accessible. It synthesizes the great herbal traditions of China and India with Western herbology, and offers clear, concise explanations of how and why herbs heal. Step-by-step instructions for creating your own herbal remedies are given, as well as therapeutic approaches you can do at home, and easy-to-follow guidelines for gathering, preparing, purchasing, and storing herbs.

Reader Reviews:

Lesley Tierra's book is a refreshing look at the old system of energetic herbology. While many herbals focus on healing the ailments, this book introduces the concept of healing the energy imbalance. As such, it is not a reference book for a quick fix. It teaches a different philosophy for using herbs.

Western medicine once used such a concept as the equilibrium between humors. In "Healing with the Herbs of Life", the author uses the Chinese energetic system. She explains why an energetic approach to healing with herbs is more efficient than the ones dealing with symptoms.

This is a very useful book for curious amateur or professional herbalists and energy healing students:

Part 1 deals with herbal fundamentals such as herb chemistry, energy and a materia medica (dictionary of herbs) of 148 herbs from all over the world.

Part 2 discusses the energetic causes of illness, its energy, the process of healing according to the chinese five elements system and a compendium of specific conditions to treat with herbs, always in an energetic perspective and with general guidelines that may apply (keeping in mind that every ill person is different).

Part 3 deals with the energy of food, living with the seasons, herbal preparations.

There is also a complete appendice of resources, bibliography and glossary. An index to identify the names of herbs in their common names, latin names, chinese name and sanskrit name is included at the end.

Completely worth its price since it is so well done and complete.This is a vastly revised 2nd edition. Anyone perusing the numbers of herbs books available on the market should notice at least two shortcomings: 1. They are not written by practicing clinical herbalists and so they often just pass on 2nd and 3rd hand information 2. They are not wholistic in the sense that they do not integrate diet, lifestyle and the many other factors necessary for a successful therapeutic result. Then there is the current wave of herb books written by inexperienced medical authorities with little or not practical experience in the clinical herbal medicine. Most of these are practically useless.

None of this is true of the latest of edition of this Lesley Tierra's Healing with The Herbs of Life. This book offers the rare opportunity to participate in the herbal healing strategies of one of the world's foremost practicing herbalists with over 20 years clinical experience. Integrating Western and Chinese energetics, it is an excellent source for self healing useful for both the lay person and the professional practitioner.

When the qualities and energetics of diet and lifestyle are appropriately adjusted, herbs offer the most time-honored and effective way for treating the underlying causes of disease rather than merely the outer symptoms. With chapters on "Causes of disease," The Energy of Illness," "The process of Healing," Treatment of Specific conditions" along with other chapters on the "Energy of Food," "Living with the Seasons." The reader is fully empowered in the process of herbal medicine.

This is not simply another herb book with a catalogue of herbs and common indications but allows for a much needed personalized approach to herbal healing.

Another thing the reader will appreciate is that the book is well organized and well written making it all the more enjoyable and useful.

You will not regret owning a copy of this book.

The reader might check out the author's other unique book for kid's, appropriately called The Kid's Herbal.
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See also:
The Herbal Drugstore: The Best Natural Alternatives to Over-the-Counter and Prescription Medicines!

Chinese Tonic Herbs

Traditional Chinese Medicine: A Woman's Guide to Healing from Breast Cancer

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