The Trans Fat Solution: Cooking and Shopping to Eliminate the Deadliest Fat from Your Diet
by Kim Severson, published by 2003-10 (Ten Speed Press)Buy now from Amazon.com for $12.95 Amazon rating of 5.0 out of 5, Amazon sales rank: 277028
Editor's Review:Deciphering nutrition labels can be daunting, especially when the deadliest dietary fat isn’t even listed on the label. Research now confirms that trans fatty acids, or trans fats, are worse for our bodies than saturated fats such as butter and lard—and food manufacturers aren’t required to list them on labels. In THE TRANS FAT SOLUTION, San Francisco Chronicle food reporter Kim Severson demystifies the science of trans fats, offers a formula for detecting trans fat in packaged food, and gives shoppers an aisle-by-aisle guide to help them avoid buying it. Working with Seattle-based chef and food consultant Cindy Burke, Severson also offers 60 clear, practical recipes, shortcut mixes, and substitutes for packaged foods that will give readers new tools to create trans-fat–free versions of their favorite foods at home. Reader Reviews: Trans fat takes the reader deep into the food asles of your groccery store- Buyer beware! If you step into any of the asles with food in boxes or wrapedup- your in for a really eye opener!
I learned a lot of ways to cook my food diffrently after reading this book and how to shop for food. This book has brought awarness to the number one killer in our fast food world. Some of the more common foods have trans fatty particles just waiting to enter your blood stream. Highly recommend. I am well-versed on the chemistry here and the book is right on target there. A nice explaination for the intelligent lay-person. What was useful to me was the exposure of all the places this stuff can be found. A few surprises there. Thanks! The last factor is the cookbook. Can't say I have tested that part, but it is great to have yummy stuff that is more healthy. Short and easy to read.From casual newspaper and magazine reading, I was aware Trans Fat were bad for you, but it was eye opening to realize how bad. Severson writes in a very calm, factual way. Also, there is just enough detail (versus deadly dull level of detail!). It is a very quick read, and I would recommend it for all harried moms and dads as we make alot of choices while pounding the aisles at the market, and I know I have changed my shopping choices based on the information I learned in this book.This is the most well written and researched book that I've found on the subject of Trans Fat. Severson's tone is non-alarmist and spiced with humor. She presents scientific facts and research in an understandable and immediately practical fashion. This doesn't have all "the sky is falling! the sky is falling" rhetoric of Fast Food Nation, and for that reason alone is utterly believable--and sobering.This book is presented in an easy-to-read format and is full of great information and fabulous recipes. I finally understand what trans fat is and why it is so bad for you. The recipe for Chicken-Tarragon Potpies is so delicious and easy to make it is going straight into my Family Favorites file. This book should be on everyone's cookbook shelf.
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• Fat
• Trans fat
• Food
See also:
Eat Fat Look Thin: A Safe and Natural Way to Lose Weight PermanentlyDr. Bob's Trans Fat Survival Guide Super Baby Food