Steve: We're talking to Amy Nankivil. You're the International Marketing Manager for Northland Organic?
Nankivil: Yes, Northland Organic Foods and Northland Seed and Grain; they are sister corporations. Northland Organic Foods deals in certified organic foods, whole soy beans, grains and ingredients. Northland Seed and Grain focuses on conventional but non-GMO -- that's non-genetically modified – raw materials and ingredients to the food industry.
Steve: Is there a website where people can find information on your products?
Nankivil: Yes, there is. It's I think the website is available in six or seven languages.
Steve: You mentioned a new product that was a best seller. It's been out for about a year now?
Nankivil: Yes, our non-GMO soy lecithin. It's used as an emulsifier. We're producing it as a powder primarily for food manufacturers. So it would be used in something like bakery mixes, infant formulas and beverages. It basically blends the oil and the butter together. We also make soy lecithin granules -- also non-GMO -- used in the nutrition industry as a nutritional supplement.
Steve: So this product has been received well, you say?
Nankivil: Yes, very well -- in the beginning, primarily in the European Union, because they passed labeling regulations in Europe where anything that has more than 0.9 percent adventitious presence of GMOs needs to be labeled. So many of the companies are trying to substitute for all non-GMO ingredients. So there is a lot of interest over in the EU and also more recently in the North American market. I think consumers are starting to request non-GMO products over here as well.
Steve: Are you certified organic?
Nankivil: Yes. This particular product is not available as certified organic because of processing techniques that are used. A lot of people are trying to develop an organic product, but it's used as a minor ingredient. So we supply right now to certified organic manufacturers and conventional non-GMO food manufacturers.
Steve: Is there anything else important about the product that I'm not asking you about, Amy?
Nankivil: It's packaged in 20 kg boxes and typically ships from a palette, which is 18 boxes, to truckloads and container loads.
Steve: Thank you for your time and information, Amy.
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